Hockey In Perak
" Histories of Sports Associations and reports of games in Malaya needs must suffer from paucity of authentic information because of the lack of published records. "
states the late Mr. M. E. Moreira in the souvenir Programme to commemorate the visit of the Indian Hockey Federation Team to Ipoh from 23rd to 28th February 1954.
Moreira states that hockey was first played in Singapore as early as in 1892 and it must have been in Perak in the first decade of this century. His earliest recollections are of the Inter Ipoh – Kuala Lumpur Y. M .C .A games in 1917.
The games in the early years were played and dominated by European Clubs. The Ipoh Club and the Perak Club of Taiping took a major part in fostering the game in the State.
In 1921 The Perak Sports Association was formed with the aim of co-ordinating field sports in Perak. They fixed the hockey season from October to February. Today hockey is played throughout the year. The schools have switched from the Third Term to the First Term.
It was during this period the game got a grip on the Sportsmen in Perak, if not the public-Club such as the YMCA, the Catholic Club, Perak Chinese Recreation Club, Police and railways began to field teams. A team of youngsters calling themselves The Perak Colts made a meteoric rise to hockey fame.
It was during this period the game got a grip on the Sportsmen in Perak, if not the public-Club such as the YMCA, the Catholic Club, Perak Chinese Recreation Club, Police and railways began to field teams. A team of youngsters calling themselves The Perak Colts made a meteoric rise to hockey fame.
School especially Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) and Anderson School of Ipoh (ASI) King Edward (KE) Taiping and Clifford School of Kuala Kangsar (CSKK) introduced hockey into their programme. Soon schools such as Government English School (GES) Batu Gajah (now Sultan Yussuf ), GES. Tapah (now Sekolah Buyong Adil), Malay College, Kuala Kangsar and St. Michael’s Institution of Ipoh, made hockey part of their Sports Calendar and Inter-School fixtures became a common feature. Today most Secondary Schools play hockey.
During the 1925/26 season, the famous Federation Malay States vs. Colony ( FMS/Colony ) series was inaugurated. This series continued till the outbreak of war in 1941. The following from Perak represented the FMS: E.H. Toft, Chong Swee Lin, H. D. G. Jansz, Lee Chin Teil, C. R. Labrooy, N. Caled, Abdul Rahman, Alladad Khan, Henry Dass, Cecil Ferdinand, N. L. Vuiillemier, Puran Singh, J. E. Slade, Bahrom Nor Rashid, Osman Basir, Raja Mohamed. According to the Malaya Tribute seven members of the 1933 Perak team played for FMS.
The Perak Hockey Association
In October 1, 1927 a meeting of representatives of Clubs over by Mr. V. G. Savi, Chief Police Officer, Perak, Passed the draft rules and Constitution and inaugurated the Perak Hockey Association. This was the first State Hockey Association, to be formed in Malaya and Perak’s lead soon made it necessary for others States and Settlements to follow suit.
The early thirties is a period noted for the first International Match when Malaya played the Indian Olympic Team in Singapore in 1932 and lost by a comparatively small margin of 7-1. Perak had no representatives in the Malayan team but in 1934 when Malaya sent its first Hockey XI abroad to Hong Kong and Macao, Perak Hockey had been infused with new life from the schools and gained seven places in the Malayan team. These were Baharom, Osman Basir, Raja Mohamed, all scholars of the Clifford School, Kuala Kangsar as well as N. Caled, a Clifford School teacher, Abdul Rahman, Cyril La Brooy, and Alladad Khan, Chong Swee Lin also Clifford School the Perak Goalie and H. D. G. Jansz had been chosen to travel but could not make the trip in the field of sports one recalls the times when the name “Clifford” was synonymous with Hockey throughout the Peninsula, and when the Clifford School Team undefeated for five years supplied 10 players to the Perak State Team and 7 to the all-conquering Pan-Malayan Team that toured Hong Kong and Macao.
No records, official or otherwise, of the period 1938-41 are available but information gleaned from all recollections of a number of old sportsmen regarding office bearers of the P. H. A during this period is as follows :
Presidents | Mr. A. E. Moreira, O. K. K. Tungku Mahakurnia Raja Shariman, Mr. F. L. Rynolds |
Hon. Secretaries | C. R. La Brooy, N. L. Vuillemier, E. Fitzpatrick, Ismail Pakir Muda |
Hon. Treasurer | Dr. A. W. E. Moreira |
The lack of records is greatly to be regretted as this period was another brilliant one for Perak hockey. It scintillated with such “stars” as J.E. Slade, English International and probably the best right winger Malaya had ever seen, Cecil Ferdinands, the “schoolboy wonder” centre-forward Vuillemier inside right, one of the most prolific scorers, Nicholas Caled a “star” left winger, C.R La Brooy and impassable half back, Lee Chin Teik, Abdul Rahman, Mat Noor, right backs, Freddie Toft generally acknowledged the best goalkeeper in the country. Others who represented Perak and The Federated Malay States were R .E Wilson, Mat Nor long, G.E. Tuerer, G.L. Carson, R.E. Morris, Henry Dass, Lee Chin Teik and Fam Choo Choon.
These names come to mind at the moment but there were many more, who made Perak the premier Hockey State of that period.
Then came the plight of the Japanese Occupation. War and disease took its toll of the best. J.E Salde died in Europe while serving with the R.A.F., Cecil Ferdinands together with his father E.C. Ferdinands, a former Perak centre forward and his brother were lost at sea when Singapore fell. Noel Vuillemier died on active service with the F.M.S.V.F. and Lee Heng Teil died during the occupation.
The first post-war General Meeting was held on October 19, 1946 at the Y.M.C.A. Representatives from 12 clubs attended and the following were elected to office:
Parton | Sultan Abdul Aziz H.H. The Sultan of Perak |
President | J. L. Greig |
Vice President | O.K.K. Tungku Mahakurnia and Chee Bahaudin bin Yacob |
Hon. Secretary | E. Venasi |
Hon. Treasurer | Dr. A.W.E. Moreira |
A Hockey League was organised for the first time in Perak among Taiping teams thanks to such hockey enthusiasts as Mr. A. Durairatnam. This encouraged the other Districts to do the same. Much of the revival of sport in Perak was due to the presence of Service Units such as the Berkshire Yeomanry and later, the Devonshire Regiment, who brought interest as well as much needed equipment for all sports.
The post-war history of the P.H.A was one of progress. Inter-state Triangular and Quadrangular Tournaments became the fashion. The first one organised by the P.H.A was in December 1949 among Singapore, Selangor, Penang and Perak and was voted a great success.
The North-South Hockey match played in Ipoh for the first time in February 1951, the result being a victory for the north.
In 1950 the P.H.A. appointed Ladies Hockey Committee to encourage and organise the game among the women.
In 1952-1953 season the P.H.A was served by a lady officially for the first time in the person of Mrs. R.A. Ferdinands who was elected Hon. Treasurer.
After the Post-War years the welfare of the Perak Ladies Hockey came under the preview of the Perak Hockey Association in 1953, it was decided that the ladies should form their own Association. On 20th September, 1953 the ladies met at Y.M.C.A. Ipoh.
A Protem-Committee was formed consisting of the following :
Chairman | Mr. I. Ferdinands |
Hons. Secretary | Mr. Z. Bryant |
Members | Kinta - One Representative from Y.M.C.A, P.C.R.C and A.C.G.S |
North Perak | One Representative |
South Perak | One Representative |
International Matches
Three games were held at the Chinese Assembly Hall Ground, Ipoh. The games played were :
23rd February 1954 | I.H.F bt Perak | 2 - 0 |
25th February 1954 | I.H.F bt Fed. of Malaya | 13 - 0 |
28th February 1954 | I.H.F bt North Malaya | 7 - 1 |
The following from Perak represented the federation XI, P. Sankey and N. Arul. These two and S.Selvanayagam played for North Malaya. On the 20th February at Kuala Lumpur, the following represented the All Malaya XI, P.Sankey ( Cap ), S. Selvanayagam and Ahmad Harun.
The visit was a turning point in the history of not only of hockey in Perak but in Malaya. It gave us the opportunity to assess ourselves.
The following from Perak represented Malaya in the tests against Pakistan at Kuala Lumpur (2) and Seremban : Mohd. Annuar Beg, Philip Sankey, Aminullah Karim and S. Selvanayagam (3 tests). Noel Arul and A.I. Thillainathan (one test). Philip Sankey was Captain of all these games.
In 1960 Perak were host to South Korea at Ipoh. The Perak XI lost to South Korea 2-3. Two days later Malaya with R. Yogeswaran, M. Sockalingam and K. Anandarajah were members of the Malayan side that beat South Korea 5-1 at Kuala Lumpur. M. Sivanadian was also a member of the Malayan team.
Anandarajah and R. Yogeswaran were members of the Pan-Malaysia team (Singapore and Malaya) which met New Zealand at Singapore.
On Thursday 24th September, 1964 Perak were once again hosts to an Indian team after a long interval. For the first time hockey was played at the newly formed Stadium Perak. Perak had only three representatives in the Malaysian President’s XI in this match namely K. Anandarajah, R. Yogeswaran and Lam Kok Meng.
Ramakrishnan and Len Oliveiro from Perak wore the National Colours.
At the Melbourne Olympics in 1956 the following from Perak represented the country – Messrs. S. Selvanayagam (Capt), Chua Eng Kim, Noel Arul, Hamzah bin Shamsuddin Aminullah Karim, and Philip Sankey. Mr. V.T. Duray accompanied the team as an umpire. M. Shanmuganathan, Gian Singh, and G. Toft-boys from Perak-playing for Selangor also went to Melbourne.
Yogeswaran and K. Anandarajah (Vice-Captain) were selected to represent the country at the Tokyo Olympics in 1964. Perak boys donning other state colours who went to Tokyo were M. Shanmuganathan, Chai Hon Yoon, Ranjit Singh, A. Sabapathy, C. Paramalingam and Sarjit Singh.
Perak players once again found places in the Mexico Olympics in 1968. They were A. Francis, R. Yogeswaran and A. Savinder Singh, Lady faith was with Savinder this time. An opportunity created by necessity allowed him to emerge from the shadow of his leaness to claim his rightful place. According to foreign press reports he was rated as one of the outstanding centre halves at the Olympics in Mexico. Harnahal Singh and Ranjit Singh formerly of Perak also went to Mexico.
To Munich in 1972 went A. Francis, R. Ramakrishnan and Harnahal Singh.
The XXI Olympics Games of 1976 in Montreal, Canada again saw our Perak boys in action. They were : Mohd. Azraai Zain, R. Ramakrishnan, Anthony D’Cruz, A. Francis, and Poon Fook Loke.
Malaysia boycotted the 1980 Olympics and at XXIII Olympics at Los Angeles,U.S.A in 1984, Foo Keat Seong represented the country.
Malaya first took part in the Asian Games at Tokyo in 1958. Perak’s representatives were P. Sankey (Capt), S. Selvanayagam, Chua Eng Kim. Other Perak boys were M. Shanmuganathan and C. Paramalingam.
At Jakarta in 1962, R. Anantha Rajah, R. Yogeswaran, Zam Ariffin, M. Sockalingam and school boy Kamarulo Ariffin represented the country. M. Shanmuganathan ( Capt ), C. Paramalingam, Perak-born, were also in the team.
Bangkok Ganmes in 1966 saw Perak increasing her claims to represent the country. She claimed seven places among the contingent of seventeen. R.Yogeswaran, A. Savinder Singh, A. Francis, Harmahal Singh, Mohd. Azmi and brothers Manokaran Dass and John Baskaran Dass. These brothers are the sons of the famous Henry Dass who represented Perak for several years and F. M. S. M. Sivandian was rather unfortunate not to be selected.
The 6th Asian Games were also held in Bangkok, Thailand in 1970. Perak boys who made it into the Malaysian team were : Harmahal Singh (V.Capt), and A. Francis.
Perak boys made a stronger claim at the 1974 Asian Games in Teheran, Persi. The younger set who came in to the fore were : Mohd. Azraat Zain, H. Savinder Singh, R. Ramakrishnan, Len Oliveiro, K. Balasingam, Poon Fook Loke, P. Pathmarajah and K. Rajan.
Thailand once again hosted the 8th Asian Games in Bangkok. Boys from the “Sliver State” who donned National colours were : R. Ramakrshnan (Capt), Mohd. Azraai Zain, Mohd Sayuti, A. Samat, Savinder Singh, Foo Keat Seong, K. Balasingam, K. T. Rajan and Len Oliveiro.
Kuala Lumpur played hosts to the 6th SEAP Games in 1971. A. Francis, R.Ramakrishnan, Len Oliveiro, Harmahal Singh, and Poon Fook Loke, all Perak boys found places in the Malaysian team.
At the 1973 Games held in Singapore, V. Maniam (V.Capt), K.Balasingam, K. T. Rajan, Poon Fook Loke and Low Ban Tiam went from Perak.
The 9th SEAP Games, re-named the SEA Games were held in Kuala Lumpur in 1977.
Perak Representatives were Mohd. Azraat Zain, Foo Keat Seong, R. Ramakrishnan, Poon Fook Loke, K. Rajan, Anthony D’Cruz adn Len Oliveiro.
The venue for the 10th SEA Games was Jakarta, Indonesia in 1979. Those selected from Perak were R. Ramakrishnan (Capt), Abdul Rahim Hj. Ahamd, Benedict Arrias, Foong Keng Wah, K. Ravindran and K. Rajan.
Malaysia played host to 12 nations taking part in the 3rd World Cup in 1975. In the words of YAM Tan Sri Justice Raja Azlan Shah, then Vice-President of MHF in a Souvenir Programme published to commemorate the hosting of two hockey matches in Perak mentioned “it is a rare honour for Malaysia, my country and Perak, my home state, to be given the privilege to host a tournament of such a high stature”.
Perakians looked forward to seeing their sons Mohd. Azraat Zain, A. Francis, K. Balasingam, R. Ramakrishnan, Len Oliveiro, K. T. Rajan and Poon Fook Loke represent their country in the second match against the Netherlands at Stadium Perak. The earlier match vs between Spain and New Zealand. Unfortunately, the elements decided otherwise and the match between Malaysia and Netherland was called of due to heavy rain. The Asst. Team Manager was R. Neelakandan, the Hon. Secretary of the Perak Hockey Association.